Emotional Health


Emotions are Meant to be Allies.

Sinking into feelings like anger, fear, and sadness can make life unbearable. Without a safe connection to help you cope with overwhelming emotions, you may be turning towards behaviors to numb the pain that leave you feeling even worse.

Joy is your birthright. Rediscover it through therapy.

Bring Feelings Home.

Your emotions don’t have to be your enemy.

I begin our work by listening closely to your story, joining with your unique experience, and providing a safe, nonjudgmental space for you to be who you truly are. I gently probe into the heart and history of your pain with compassion to find the root of an old and harmful story. Together we can recover emotions as allies in restoring your wholeness.

Teletherapy Therapist in Sierra Madre

Find Peace Again.

Your emotions are meant to infuse life with meaning. Transformation happens when our emotional life is seen and supported by a caring other.

Instead of focusing solely on a diagnosis or disorder, I view your experience holistically, placing it in context with your history and relationship network. I consider it a sacred honor to provide the space for you to breathe deeply.

You’ve tried to feel better so many times and in so many ways. Maybe it’s time to take a chance and heal through an attentive and caring connection.

“there are miracles in me /

waiting their turn to happen /

i am never giving up

on myself ”

— rupi kaur